Friday, September 23, 2016

This Mornings Latte: Peanut Butter White Chocolate Snickernut

Good Morning!

Things have been going busy lately. Our dear friends the Gonzales are stuck in Houston after Mr. Gonzales heart surgery. It's been a long road for them and slow recovery. We have been spending time here and there for a little over a week now. So, I haven't had much time to blog. This morning, I wanted to try and catch up with some Church of Christ Women Authors stuff.  But first, this mornings latte recipe. (If you're like me, coffee is your writing life line.)

Peanut Butter White Chocolate Snickernut

Snickernut coffee (My favorite is HEB coffee)
2 Tsps Powdered peanut butter
1 shot white chocolate mocha coffee creamer (I use liquid)
Three drizzles White chocolate sauce

I use a 12-ounce coffee mug tumbler. I add the powdered peanut butter first, and then pour a little bit of coffee into my cup. That way I can mix it and make sure that it really dissolves. Then add the coffee creamer, fill up the cup with coffee, and then drizzle the white chocolate sauce. YUM!

Church of Christ Women Authors Anthology News

So, the anthology is coming together! Let me just say that it is going to be big. I am so excited. So far it is more than 100 pages!!!! I still have a few more pieces to add to it, and then it will be ready to be edited, and I will design the cover, and get it printed. My plans are for it to be out mid-November so it will be ready for Christmas gifts. Thanks to everyone who submitted to it. Don't forget you will get two print copies for all your hard work.

Writing Progress

I am in the middle of working on my newest book, "Let Not Your Heart be Troubled." I can't wait to have it done. And, Arwen Chandler has been working hard on Collision of Fire and Ice, and I think it will be out before Christmas. (Fingers crossed!)

You Can Do It!

I just want to encourage you all to keep writing. I know it can be stressful and hard, but you can do it. If you enjoy reading don't forget that our book of the month club book is Katy Huth Jones book, Mercy's Prince. Check it out. I will be doing a blog post about it soon. You still have time to read it.

Well, I hope to hear from you soon.




  1. Thanks for choosing Mercy's Prince for September's read. I don't think I told you I flew to St. Louis in July to meet with a book club (mostly members of the church) who had read MP that month. I was a bit nervous, but they put me at ease, and it was SO much fun to talk about my story and characters with them. :) They told friends in Kansas City, so I'm supposed to visit their book club in the spring...

    1. That is really, really cool! You are welcome! You'll have to let me know how your next book club event goes. That is just amazing!
