Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Luke Slave & Physician by Katheryn Maddox Haddad

Ms. Katheryn Haddad has been super busy over the last few months. There are several new titles in her Intrepid Men of God Series that I haven't gotten on here. So, watch for them over the next few days. In fact, she just told me she is almost ready to publish a new one. Way to go, Katheryn.

Many of her stories feature the lives of characters who lived, or might have lived during the New Testament years, and they are well-researched.


About Luke Slave & Physician

Luke is a part of the spoils of war after the famous Roman Battle of Baduhenna Wood of AD 28. With no sight of Luke’s Nordic warrior father, Most Excellent Theophilus, knighted Roman tribune, takes Luke as his slave to be trained as his scribe and private physician. As Theophilus is transferred to fortresses throughout Germanica, Luke sings his father’s haunting song, hoping to find him some day. Along the way, he is betrothed to the beautiful Rashah. With Theophilus finally going into semi-retirement in Berea, Luke gains permission to climb nearby Mount Olympus to talk to the gods. His anger grows hot when he realizes they are not there and may not even exist. Soon after, Luke goes to Troas and meets the Apostle Paul. Now as a Christian and having been given his freedom, he spends the next decade traveling with Paul and treating his many injuries. Theophilus becomes a Christian, and Luke promises to write for him an accurate accounting of Jesus’ life. Upon Paul’s death, Luke sets out to find and interview eye witnesses to Jesus' miracles and teachings, and Jesus’ apostles, now scattered around the world. Come read of Luke and what might have been. (There are discussion questions in the back of the book for book clubs and discussion groups.)

Discounted Books in Print:

If you want to find Katheryn's books in print check them out here: Bible House Supply. You can also find other discount books on the site!