Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cleaning with Essential Oils: A Naturally Clean & Chemical Free Home by Susan Elliott

Are you an essential oil fanatic? I have become one. I love using oils before I go to sleep. Every night I put frankincense, clary sage, rosemary and neroli oil on my sleep mask. I'm not sure it helps me sleep, but it does relax me. Word of warning, don't put it on the side that goes against your eyes. I did it by accident, and it burned! My eyes were watering for hours.

Essential oils are wonderful. I bought two sets from Amazon. The first was from calily. And, I am about ready to buy some more. I've used up a lot of them, between using them as a sleep aid, and room fresheners.

The other set I bought was from Majestic Pure Pharmaceuticals. Their frankincense is amazing. I found their scents to be pretty good, too. I know a lot of people prefer to use other oils like Young Living, and they are good. I just don't have the money to spend on higher priced oils. If you're using oils and want an affordable option try the ones on Amazon. I know these two brands are good. If you've found other oils you like, please let me know in the comments.

About Cleaning with Essential Oils: A Naturally Clean & Chemical Free Home

Treat yourself to a beautifully cleaned home that is both healthy and vibrant. Learn how to ditch harsh cleaning products for healthier essential oil cleaning options. Cleaning with Essential Oils: A Naturally Clean & Chemical Free Home, teaches you how to make chemical free cleaning products that will leave your home clean and fresh. Your home can be organically clean and green, when you apply these green house cleaning tricks. Save yourself some money, and toss your store bought cleaners. For a fraction of the cost, you can make cleaning products at home, that rival even the best store bought cleaners.