Monday, October 17, 2016

Why You Need to Set Up Your Amazon Author Page

There is a common misconception out there that Indie authors can't have an author page on Amazon. This is FALSE. I remember sitting in a meeting once, where a traditionally published author said, only authors with agents can have an author's page. I laughed, because I already had mine, and I am completely Indie.

You may be published with a vanity press, a lot of Christian women are, if they haven't set up your author page, do it yourself. Your book is your baby, and you need to care for it. Don't leave all the marketing in the hands of your publisher. If you want your book to succeed, you need to work for it. (I've also seen a lot of Christian vanity presses are not taking advantage of the ebook market, or Amazon. If yours isn't, you might ask them about it, or see if you can do it yourself.) If you publish with a pseudonym and under your own name, make sure to set up author pages for them, too!

Here's why it's so important for Indie authors to setup an author's page.

  1. Author pages add legitimacy to an author, because the false idea that "only agents" can setup author pages is prevalent with many. Use this to your advantage.
  2. Author pages provide a platform location for all of your books. This helps readers find you.
  3. Author pages allow you to link to your own blog. You can RSS your blog so that it always uploads new content to your author page.
  4. Author pages are great places to post upcoming events like book signings.
  5. Author pages display video content you upload.
  6. Author pages help you connect with your readers.

If you haven't set up your author page yet, go to Amazon Author Central and do it today, or follow the link: Amazon made the steps for setting up your page easy to follow, so don't worry if you don't have a lot of technical know-how. You can do it.

1 comment:

  1. Any suggestions or help in how to set up more than one author page? Thanks!
