Tuesday, March 15, 2016


(c) Susan Elliott
Hello readers!! It has been a huge two months for us (nearly three.) As you probably know my husband had a stroke January 01, 2016. Good news is he is recovering. Since then we've had to relocate back to South Texas. The U-Hauls have been unloaded and I am in the middle of unpacking and getting used to our new schedule. Right now it's doctors appointments and church stuff, but I decided this week my blog is going back live -- even though I don't have a working office yet.

News About Upcoming Events and the Anthology

For all of you who have asked if you can submit something previously published to the anthology, YES! The anthology is still a go, but I want to extend the submission date to July 4th instead of May 4th. I will get to all my emails ASAP, and I am hoping the MailChimp newsletter will start again next week. Also, keep your eyes open for new YouTube content, and we will be rescheduling the last few months book of the month club readings.

I can't tell you how much I miss talking to you all. I hope to hear from you soon!

Much love,



  1. So glad all is well, that your hubby is doing better, and that everyone is safe and sound! Had no idea you all were moving, on top of everything else! ~Blessings, Sandi xxx

  2. We were in South Texas when he had his stroke and his doctor said it would be too hard to travel back to VA so we have moved back home. *:9) It's great to hear from you!!!

    1. That's a lot of stress to endure. Hope you both are getting lots of relaxation and rest. Be sure you take care of yourself, Susan. Really. Don't feel guilty about giving yourself a break. Your hubby needs you to be strong, which means spoiling yourself a little. I'm speaking from experience when my hubby had to care for me while I battled cancer. He needed time for himself to recoup, which he never took.

  3. SO glad you're back and that things are improving! You have been in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUG))

    1. Thank you Katy! I can always use prayers!!! Been praying for you, too.
