Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Heartfelt Thank You After a Disastrous New Year

I want to wish you all a happy New Year! I would like to say mine has been all giggles and smiles, but New Year's Day was one of the worst days of my life. My hubby of 20 years and six months (yep, the handsome guy in the photo taken a few days before New Year's) had a stroke.

He is currently in the ICU, and I still don't know much. I've been told that's pretty normal after a stroke, but it is so FRUSTRATING! I am just thankful that God has all things in his hands.

I know that there are many people praying for him and my family. I can't thank you enough. The past two days has really shown me how many friends and family we have. I had no idea.

The support we have had here in South Texas and at home in Virginia has been unbelievable. I can't thank all the people who have stepped up to help in ways that I never even thought possible.

I am hopeful that Larry will make a speedy recovery, but I am sure the next few days, weeks or months are going to be trying and difficult as he relearns how to do normal everyday tasks. I would like to continue to ask for your prayers as we go through this together.

It is my plan to continue running the Church of Christ Women Authors Blog and YouTube Channel, and I will do my best to post as often as I can; although, the next few weeks are going to by spotty.  I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you remember the book club books for January. I know I look forward to reading them again.




I want to update everyone about Larry and he said it would be fine to let you know. Larry has for certain suffered a stroke (I believe in the thalamus). It has left him with the loss of mobility on his left side. The information stored in that part of his brain is gone. There is no way to tell what all that entails at this point in time. He may or may not have all of his memories; although, he has recognized and recounted stories with many people here and on the phone. Only time will tell what damage or loss there is.

He will be entering rehab in South Texas -- we hope Rockport -- when he gets out of the hospital. He will be there at least two weeks, and at sometime after that we will be able to travel the long trip home. (It will have to be an extended return, so I don't know exactly when we will get back in Virginia after we leave here.) We are playing everything by ear at this point. He is also now insulin dependent, so friends who like to bake goodies and all, no more for now until we get this under control. I want to thank everyone for the prayers and the continued prayers.


  1. So sorry to hear of this trial. God will strengthen you both for sure! Praying <3

  2. I'm SO sorry to hear this! I will pray fervently that Larry will regain as much as possible and that your faith will be strengthened through this trial.
