Friday, November 20, 2015

Favorite Things Featuring Sarah Floyd

By: Susan Elliott

Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors enjoy reading or have on their wishlist when it comes to getting gifts? Maybe you're just curious about what kind of things they like to surround themselves with when they are being creative or what they might have on their desk. When it comes to author Sarah Floyd, author of Finding Joy, you don't have to wonder anymore.

When I asked Sarah what some of her favorite things were she had this to say, "The things I would appreciate as gifts aren't very brand-specific," and that is probably true for many writers (unless it comes to their favorite coffee or tea.) Even so, Sarah has some pretty cool things on her favorite things list! Hopefully these ideas will help you find something great for the writer in your life as well.

Sarah Floyd Speaks About Her Favorite Things

The things I would appreciate as gifts are...nice pens and pencils (but not super crazy nice in case they get eaten by the dog or flushed by the baby); spiral notebooks and composition books (college-ruled!!!); home-cooked meals, for those days when you're on a roll with writing but everyone still expects to eat for some reason; in-home child care (so my baby is nearby if he needs me, but out of my hair so I can write or just do the dishes in peace); CDs in a language other than English (the words are stimulating to my brain, but I can ignore them enough to write my own words); water bottles with straws that fit in car cup holders; camera memory cards; gift cards to Hobby Lobby, Barnes and Noble, etc.; anything related to covered bridges, especially Vermont ones; foreign language Bible; books!!! I will always, always appreciate clean fiction books, but I don't enjoy science fiction or fantasy.

I think many of us share an appreciation for the things Sarah enjoys. I suspect we writers also understand Sarah's need for child care and home-cooked meals. One of the things a writer needs most is time to themselves to write, so if you're looking for something special for that writer in your life, consider giving them the gift of time.

What are some of your favorite things?

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