I was sitting at a table the other day at an event and overheard a man talking to his friend. He stated that the book Illuminating Shadows
, written by Teresa Hampton was the best book he's ever seen on the topic of types and antitypes. According to the description on Amazon, this book is one that reveals "Old Testament imagery to New Testament Reality."
While this book is available on Amazon through various vendors, new copies are available online at H & C Religious Supplies.
H & C Religious Supplies adds this book description, "Illuminating Shadows by Teresa Hampton Christian women are asking for substantive material for their adult Bible classes. This book firs that request. The author addresses one of the foremost connecting links between the Old Testament and the New." And, it looks like a great book.
What substantive material do you enjoy studying?
While this book is available on Amazon through various vendors, new copies are available online at H & C Religious Supplies.
H & C Religious Supplies adds this book description, "Illuminating Shadows by Teresa Hampton Christian women are asking for substantive material for their adult Bible classes. This book firs that request. The author addresses one of the foremost connecting links between the Old Testament and the New." And, it looks like a great book.
What substantive material do you enjoy studying?
I need to get my hands on this book! I "like" to study topics that require a lot of thinking on my part.