"This book was written to help Christians understand Islam, and Muslims understand Christianity. It is not ABOUT the two religions, but quotes directly from the scriptures of both groups so the reader can know personally what they teach instead of relying on rumors. Quotes from the Quran and New Testament (Injil) of the Bible cover the same topics for comparison purposes.
Also addressed in the book are misconceptions Muslims have of Christianity such as Christians believing in three Gods and God having a wife. Also addressed are the rumors that, though the Quran says the Bible should be read and obeyed, it has been corrupted, so would be a waste of time to read.
The author grew up in Dearborn, Michigan, a hub of Islam today. She has also taught the Bible over the internet to some 5000 Muslims worldwide, with converts in hiding in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Palestine. Near the end of the book are nearly 100 testimonials of Muslims who are now convinced Jesus really was the Son of God and not just a prophet." (Amazon)
Learn more about the author at Katheryn Maddox Haddad's meet the author page.
Recommended Reading:
• Foreign religions do not receive freedoms in Muslim countries.
• Most Muslim countries do not receive international newscasts.
• Americans may not believe that war has religious significance, but her enemies do!
• Devout Muslims and devout Christians cannot possibly agree.
This book is excellent for church libraries, resource material, individual study, and classroom study. Nine chapters." (Amazon)
Articles about Radical Islam from Becoming Women of Virtue:
Dangers of Radical Islam Part I
Dangers of Radical Islam Part 2
Dangers of Radical Islam Part 3
Can you recommend any other good books for people to learn the differences between Christianity and Islam?
I look forward to reading your study book.